The First Step to Discovering your Personal Style
As a personal stylist, I’m constantly being praised for my creative ideas, interesting use of color, and for having the innate ability to put together pieces other people might not have thought of to create beautiful outfits.
Well, I have a confession.
I steal my ideas.
Yup, that’s right. True story. Take this as a crash course in Creativity 101.
Lesson #1: Nothing is original. It says it right there in the bible: “There is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9)
So what does this have to do with discovering your own personal style? I’m getting there. Grasp these ideas and then get a Pinterest account. Pinterest is your friend. Pinterest is gold.
Create your own “Style board” on Pinterest. This will allow you group together different pictures of outfits or pieces of clothing you like in one particular area, the “board”, so that you can easily view them in one spot. Think of it like a virtual cork push pin board. Why is this important? Starting a style board that has pictures of outfits and looks you love, will allow you start seeing a trend in your style preferences. Having a collage of pictures side by side, will allow you to easily identify patterns in colors & styles, which will aid in defining your own personal style! It also will also give inspiration to shop your closet, helping you create similar outfits with the pieces you already own!

The picture on the left is one I found on Pinterest. I simply searched “black flares” to give me inspiration on what I could pair with the ones hanging in my closet.
Get inspiration from everywhere! Not just from pictures on Pinterest, but also from websites, art, fashion history, and personal style/ fashion bloggers. I’m always posting great ideas! Feel free to steal as many ideas as you want ;) Just look for the Pinterest button on my website to follow.
Until next time,
Wear it out!